从Laravel,Yii,Thinkphp中学习php 操作数据库的事务嵌套

02 Sep 2018 Category: PHP

最近维护历史代码,使用的是phalapi 最初版本开发,数据库操作使用的是notorm。notorm本身不支持事务嵌套,但是在开发过程中,多个操作进行拆分,根据不同业务不同进行调用,必然会设计到多个事务嵌套在一起的问题。举个栗子:

1) 公共模块A,更新用户的账户余额,添加流水记录操作。 2) 模块B,根据用户的操作(消费或充值)根据活动配置赠送相应的优惠券。 基础业务A模块就够用了,但是出现一些业务活动的时候,需要在A成功之后调用B模块,只有两个操作成功之后才完整提交事务。要实现这样的功能,无非两种方式:

1) 模块内部不加事务,事务控制统一交给调用方。谁调用,谁负责事务。内部模块只提供内部模块执行结果。 2) 模块内部控制事务,外部调用只需知道内部执行是否成功。



1) Laravel Laravel与事务相关操作封装在 Illuminate\Database\Concerns\ManagesTransactions当中。

    public function beginTransaction()


    protected function createTransaction()
        if ($this->transactions == 0) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception $e) {
        } elseif ($this->transactions >= 1 && $this->queryGrammar->supportsSavepoints()) {
    public function commit()
        if ($this->transactions == 1) {

        $this->transactions = max(0, $this->transactions - 1);

    public function rollBack($toLevel = null)
        // We allow developers to rollback to a certain transaction level. We will verify
        // that this given transaction level is valid before attempting to rollback to
        // that level. If it's not we will just return out and not attempt anything.
        $toLevel = is_null($toLevel)
                    ? $this->transactions - 1
                    : $toLevel;

        if ($toLevel < 0 || $toLevel >= $this->transactions) {

        // Next, we will actually perform this rollback within this database and fire the
        // rollback event. We will also set the current transaction level to the given
        // level that was passed into this method so it will be right from here out.

        $this->transactions = $toLevel;


2) Yii2


    public function begin($isolationLevel = null)
        if ($this->db === null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException('Transaction::db must be set.');

        if ($this->_level === 0) {
            if ($isolationLevel !== null) {
            Yii::debug('Begin transaction' . ($isolationLevel ? ' with isolation level ' . $isolationLevel : ''), __METHOD__);

            $this->_level = 1;


        $schema = $this->db->getSchema();
        if ($schema->supportsSavepoint()) {
            Yii::debug('Set savepoint ' . $this->_level, __METHOD__);
            $schema->createSavepoint('LEVEL' . $this->_level);
        } else {
            Yii::info('Transaction not started: nested transaction not supported', __METHOD__);
    public function commit()
        if (!$this->getIsActive()) {
            throw new Exception('Failed to commit transaction: transaction was inactive.');

        if ($this->_level === 0) {
            Yii::debug('Commit transaction', __METHOD__);

        $schema = $this->db->getSchema();
        if ($schema->supportsSavepoint()) {
            Yii::debug('Release savepoint ' . $this->_level, __METHOD__);
            $schema->releaseSavepoint('LEVEL' . $this->_level);
        } else {
            Yii::info('Transaction not committed: nested transaction not supported', __METHOD__);
    public function rollBack()
        if (!$this->getIsActive()) {
            // do nothing if transaction is not active: this could be the transaction is committed
            // but the event handler to "commitTransaction" throw an exception

        if ($this->_level === 0) {
            Yii::debug('Roll back transaction', __METHOD__);

        $schema = $this->db->getSchema();
        if ($schema->supportsSavepoint()) {
            Yii::debug('Roll back to savepoint ' . $this->_level, __METHOD__);
            $schema->rollBackSavepoint('LEVEL' . $this->_level);
        } else {
            Yii::info('Transaction not rolled back: nested transaction not supported', __METHOD__);
            // throw an exception to fail the outer transaction
            throw new Exception('Roll back failed: nested transaction not supported.');

3) Thinkphp5


    public function startTrans()
        if (!$this->linkID) {
            return false;
        if (1 == $this->transTimes) {
        } elseif ($this->transTimes > 1 && $this->supportSavepoint()) {
                $this->parseSavepoint('trans' . $this->transTimes)
    public function commit()

        if (1 == $this->transTimes) {

    public function rollback()

        if (1 == $this->transTimes) {
        } elseif ($this->transTimes > 1 && $this->supportSavepoint()) {
                $this->parseSavepointRollBack('trans' . $this->transTimes)

        $this->transTimes = max(0, $this->transTimes - 1);

三个框架都是通过计数器以及数据库本身的”部分事务”支持嵌套事务的操作。MYSQL 中通过 savepoint 的方式来实现只提交事务的一部分。操作流程大体分一下三步 1) 开启事务,检查计数器是否是第一次开启,如果是则执行pdo开启事务,不是则修改计数器的值,同时根据是否支持部分事务,执行pdo savepoint操作。 2) 事务提交,检查计数器是否是最外层事务,是则执行pdo事务提交操作,否则计数器减1 3) 事务回滚,检查计算器是否是最外层操作,是则执行pdo事务回滚,否则计数器减1,同时根据是否支持部分事务,执行pdo rollbak to savepoint 操作

